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SUISS - Struttura Didattica Speciale in Scienze strategiche

Scuola Universitaria Interdipartimentale in Scienze Strategiche (SUISS)

Logo di Scuola Universitaria Interdipartimentale in Scienze Strategiche (SUISS)

Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) - Common Module (BIP)


Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) - Common Module (BIP)


Anno accademico 2024/2025

Codice attività didattica
Enrico Spinello (Titolare del corso)
Marina Marchisio Conte (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studio
[f055-c504] Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Strategiche e Militari
[f055-c504PO] Laurea Magistrale in Scienze e Militari (Percorso Politico Organizzativo)
[f055-c504SI] Laurea Magistrale in Scienze e Militari (Percorso Sistemi Infrastrutturali)
[f055-c504COM] Laurea Magistrale in Scienze e Militari (Percorso Comunicazioni)
[f055-c702] Laurea in Scienze Strategiche e della Sicurezza
3° anno
Secondo semestre
A scelta dello studente
SSD attività didattica
IUS/13 - diritto internazionale

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

Goal of the Module:

  • Discover and understand basic LOAC texts.
  • Be aware of responsibilities in terms of LOAC implementation.
  • Deepen knowledge of the LOAC.
  • Learn about international implementation of the LOAC.
  • Learn about particular issues related to the LOAC.

Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi


  • Basic knowledge of the LOAC and related issues.
  • Basic knowledge of the legal context of military operations


  • Analyse, anticipate and lead operations efficiently.
  • Advise superiors and inform subordinates about the key aspects of the LOAC.
  • Advise superiors and inform subordinates about the issues related to LOAC.
  • Explain the spectrum of armed conflict and how LOAC applies at each point on the spectrum.
  • Describe Human Rights Law in the operational context.
  • Explain the means and methods of warfare, including the prohibition against the use of certain weapons.
  • Apply the Rules of Engagement on the level being responsible after graduation.
  • Explain the consequences of disobeying LOAC and the obligation to report via lotions of LOAC.


  • Understand rights and duties when it comes to use of force.
  • Understand the global legal context of military operations.
  • Enable students to apply the LOAC appropriate to their future first position after graduation.


Module Details

Basic Principles of the LOAC

Reccommended Working Hours[2]: 5

  • Definition of Armed Conflict.
  • Types of Armed Conflict.
  • Application of Law.
  • Basic Principles of IHL.
  • Human Rights Law (e.g. European Convention on Human Rights - ECHR).
  • Protection of Cultural Property.

Definitions in IHL

Reccommended Working Hours[2] 2

  • Forbidden Means and Methods of Warfare, Military Objectives, Combatants, Prisoners of War, Civilians, Wounded, sick and shipwrecked.

Legal Context of Military Operations

Reccommended Working Hours[2]2

  • International Law in Military Operations (e.g.: UN Charter, Chapter VI and Chapter VII).
  • Rules of Engagement (ROE).
  • Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA).

International Criminal Justice

Reccommended Working Hours[2] 2

  • International Criminal Tribunals.
  • Command Responsibility.


Additional hours to increase the learning outcome[1]

Syndicate Work[1]

Reccommended Working Hours[2]9

  • To increase the understanding of the LOAC's principles.
  • To increase the understanding of the context of definitions in IHL on the basis of specific examples.

Case studies and Discussions[1]

Reccommended Working Hours[2] 8

  • To illustrate the basic rules (Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols).
  • Each case study comprises a description of a situation followed by questions.

Self study[1]

Reccommended Working Hours[2]22

  • Preparation for the upcoming lessons and for exam(s).
  • Reflection of the topics issued.
  • If IDL is developed it may be counted to these hours.

Total Working Hours[2]50

[1] Remark: Parts of these hours may be taken by the Module Director to teach or to  discuss more detailed the listed topics or an additional relevant topic referring to the LOAC for example: Cyber Warfare (Introduction to Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare; the General Concept of Cyber Warfare and Cyber Warfare and International Law).

[2] Remark: Detailed working hours are up to the Module Director. The total amount of hours has to fit to the national law concerning working hours for 2 ECTS.


Modalità di insegnamento

Throughout the Module students are to discuss given topics within syndicates and in the plenary. During these work students are to be evaluated to verify their competences.

Written examination at the end of the module (multiple choice test).

Testi consigliati e bibliografia





L'attività è riservata agli studenti  di Scienze Strategiche, appositamente selezionati.

Per maggiori informazioni consulta la Home page del sito nella sezione "Seminari e moduli di approfondimento".

L'attività si svolgerà in presenza (salvo diverse disposizioni).


Esercitatore Militare: Ten. Col. Dario Maffeo

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